Weihnachten 2021

Your Exclusive Christmas Gift: WHAM! RIDDIM & MORE 🎵



I wish you a wonderful, calm and heartwarming christmas time with you beloved ones!

You may want to check out a special collaboration with the piano genius David Koberger from Austria, which I have just released on my Youtube channel.

The beat used in this collaboration is called 'WHAM!' riddim and you can find it now in the beat store on my website ReggaeBeats.net:

And I want to thank you for your interest in my Reggae Music, so please feel free to use the Coupon Code 


at the checkout and you will get this new riddim FOR FREE!

The Code applies for all licenses (Standard, Premium, Unlimited) and is valid until 31st of December.

.I will be back with more Reggae beats in 2022. Stay tuned!

If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to reply to this email.

One Love,

Dominik | Reggae Drummer Dominik

from ReggaeBeats.net


To ensure receiving my emails please add my e-mail ([email protected]) to your address book. 

FOLLOW ME HEREYouTubeFacebookSoundcloud---------------------- BROWSE THE BEAT STORE ATReggaeBeats.net----------------------GET CUSTOM PRODUCTIONS AND DRUM RECORDINGS ATmy Fiverr Gigpage